Who Gives A Shit: Outdoor Brunch Can Now Start at 10AM

Did you notice anything different yesterday? Brunch started two hours earlier than usual! Apparently, an old city law was finally repealed, allowing sidewalk cafés to start serving brunch at 10 a.m. instead of 12 p.m. The old law was apparently in place because all those early outdoor brunch people got in the way of people trying to get to church. Well, not anymore!
The old law was selectively enforced, and this repeal seems to have been pushed through thanks to a neighborhood conflict in...where else...Brooklyn. But, not Park Slope, so we've got that going for us. The Polish churchgoers of Greenpoint were having trouble getting around all of the lazy, godless, hipsters eating their eggs florentine, so they called the cops a few years ago and had the restaurant owners ticketed for breaking the old law. You still can't get your drink on before noon, though. Baby steps.
Are you psyched, mad or indifferent about this news?