Pie Pops Finally Arrive in Park Slope!
Posted by:
Thomas |
Tuesday, August 6, 2013 at 7:00AM

Since the neighborhood agrees 100% with me on this point, I have good news for Park Slope! Pie Pops have been spotted at the 5th Avenue Greenmarket!
So, we've got pie pops, now, which are nominally better than cake pops, because of the transitive property of deserts. Meaning, if:
Pie > Cake
(Pie + Stick) > (Cake + Stick).
Q.E.D., right?
Wrong. Because some things just shouldn't be on sticks in the first place. Like fried butter. Or pancakes. And now, I'm adding to this list by announcing that all baked desserts are on the "not appropriate for eating off of a stick" list. No more pie pops. No more cake pops. What will be next? Apple Brown Betty pops?
This must end now. That is all.