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Whassup: Last BRIC in the Summer Edition


It's a week of lasts, y'all. Celebrate Brooklyn hosts the last shows of its summer season in the park this week (see below). And Bar 4 hosts the last of its shows forever (SEE BELOW). Do you see how nothing lasts?! Do you see how you can't just put it off 'til next week!? Go that show! Eat at that restaurant! Seize the moment, don't end up like this guy! Okay, pep talk over. Welcome to Whassup: Last BRIC in the Summer Edition:

* OPEN NOW: Pavilion Living Room Cafe: Over the years, FiPS has had, ahem, a few things to say about the Pavilion movie theater. But here's a positive: this month, the movie theater opened the "Living Room Cafe," which is apparently a reincarnation of a cafe in that same space from some years ago. Anyway, it's a step up in movie fare from the usual oily popcorn and sticky Mike and Hots or whatever. The menu boasts milkshakes, sandwiches and crepes, most under ten bucks. 

* Thursday, Aug. 8: Cringe, Freddy's: After a two-month absence, Freddy's original, brilliant series of mortifying teenage scribblings returns. Come cry/laugh with joy/terror. 7:30pm-9:30pm, FREE.

* Thursday, Aug. 8: Throwback Charity Party, Green Building (Gowanus): If you're really into Yelp, which many of you foodie opinion-havers very well may be, here's something for you: "Yelp Helps Brooklyn." It's a throwback party, which means you should wear old-school jerseys and vintage dresses. The "Help" part refers to a host of nonprofits that will be there to tell you how to volunteer and otherwise do good. You've got to RSVP on the Yelp page if you wanna go. 8pm-10pm, $20.

* Saturday, Aug. 10: TMBG, Bandshell: It's the last week of Celebrate Brooklyn bandshell shows for the summer. Their season is always over in the blink of an I-was-too-hungover-to-make-half-the-shows. Too bad. It's such a great atmosphere catching BRIC shows in the Park. Well, they finish off on a weird, poppy high note with They Might Be Giants, and their babbling three-year-old brand of lyricism. Also this week, you've got local oompah! heroes Slavic Soul Party live-scoring "Beasts of the Southern Wild" on Thursday and pop MC Shaggy  hosting a neighborhood party on Friday. TMBG at 7:30pm, FREE ($3 sugg. donation).  

* Sunday, Aug. 11: Hawaiian Hog Roast, Roberta's (Bushwick): The meat geniuses behind Briskettown will be slow roasting a whole hog over a "jury-rigged" cinderblock pit. They plan to start turning the pig into slow-roasted goodness Saturday afternoon and pull an all nighter. All for the sake of your satisfaction. Oh, and also for the sake of Heritage Radio Network, a nonprofit devoted to food-related radio broadcasts based outside Roberta's. Side dishes to complement the pig come from Roberta's, Greenpoint Fish and Lobster Co., and more. Turn on, tune in, pig out. 5pm-9pm, $95-$150.

* Sunday, Aug. 11: 'Breaking Bad' Viewing Party, Union Hall: We all, obviously, love meth, just so much. That must be why people are going so crazy over the final season of this "Breaking Bad." Once it's over, you'll have to get your fix elsewhere. In the meanwhile, make these last few hits count, by doing it public, with friends, at Union Hall. First episode of the last season airs today. 9pm, FREE.

* Tuesday, Aug. 13: LAST Open Mic, Bar 4: This is it, folks: the last edition of Bar 4's beloved open mic. The neighborhoodly little bar closes up after 14 years on Aug. 15. From musicians I've spoken to, Bar 4's open mic was one of the best things about the place, attracting consistently high quality acts. Sadness. 8pm, FREE.

* Wednesday, Aug. 14: LAST Dance, Bar 4: MORE SADNESS. But leavened with celebration and the dancing. Bar 4 will be closing out its last night of business with a "Last Dance" party, hosted by some of the bar's regular DJs from over the years. As the event's tagline puts it, "Make it count." 8pm, FREE.

* Wednesday, Aug. 14: WEEKLY Crab Boil, Pork Slope: The food events are strong in this one. Because you gluttonous Park Slopers lika the crabs so much, last week's crab boil at Pork Slope will continue as a weekly, Hump Day happening for the remainder of the summer. The crab, she will be succulent, of course, and you can boozily wash it all down with a "White Peach Arnold Palmer Slush." So, there you go. And I'm just going to go ahead and repeat the foods Pork Slope lists: "Blue crab, corn, potatoes and sausage served with Old Bay seasoning and melted butter." Anytime you begin a list with "Blue crab" and end it with "melted butter," life will be good. 5pm, $28 for 6 pieces, $54 for 12 pieces. 

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