Whassup: Day of F***in' Action Edition
On this day of Occupy Wall Street political action, let us not forget to keep having fun. Don't let your anger get in the way of your smiles. Don't let your fist pumps crowd out your scissor kicks. Continue to rawk on Park Slope, with Whassup: Day of F***in' Action Edition:
* Thursday, Nov. 17: OWS Day of Action, Citywide: Shit has just straight been going down this past week with Occupy Wall Street and its sister movements across the land. Much of that shit has involved police batons, unfortunately. In response, the movement is conductin a "Day of Action" today, including "occupations" of subway stations in BK and a march across the Brooklyn Bridge -- prime opps for Slopers to join up. Subway stops in BK (3pm), march over Brooklyn Bridge (5pm). FREE, even for capitalist swine.
* Friday, Nov. 18: HIDE/SEEK Opening; BK Museum: Brooklyn will be home to what's billed as "the first major museum to focus on themes of gender and sexuality in modern American portraiture." First of all, that's kind of sad. If any major institutions should be comfortable with such themes, you'd think it would be the arts. Nevertheless, kudos to BK for getting there first. The collection of paintings, photographs, film, installations, and more runs through Feb. 12. $12 for students, hours vary.
* Saturday Nov. 19-Sunday, Nov. 20: Ickyfest, BK Children's Museum: If there are any breeders reading, pack up your adorable little spawn and trundle them over to the BK Children's Museum this weekend for two days of disgusting science. The ickyfest accesses your kids' brains through their slime-loving fingers and gross-loving eyes with a host of activities on icky science. Bring the wet wipes. 10am-5pm both days, Free with museum admission ($7.50).
* Sunday, Nov. 20: Muppet Comeback, Union Hall: Slope staple for puppet appreciation, The Muppet Vault, celebrates the felt-skinned ones return to movie theaters. Union Hall will be screening classic Muppet clips for an all-ages show. 2pm-5pm, $8.
* Sunday, Nov. 20: Chili Takedown, Bell House: Matt Timm's flagship cooking contest and nom-fest, the Chili Takedown will wrap the Bell House in the aromas of spice, beans, and tomato. Your mouth will burn so damn good. Come hungry and remember to hydrate. Your votes select the one chili to rule them all. 2pm, $15.
* Monday, Nov. 21: Shelsky’s Smoked Fish Open Tasting, Shelky's: Indulge on tasty offerings in the form of Hors d’Oeuvres and canapés, learn how they pickle and cure herring and salmon and watch a salmon slicing demo/lesson. YUM. 6-9PM, $20 for reserving ahead of time (718.855.8817), $25 at the door.
* Thursday, Nov. 24: Thanksgiving Hoedown, Freddy's: Does the family live too far away to justify flying out for turkey? Well, spend the holiday the way I'm pretty sure the Pilgrim's did -- singing old country songs. The CasHank Hootenanny jamboree collects all comers in a bar-wide sing-a-long of classic Johnny Cash and Hank Williams tunes. If you're alone for the holiday, might as well cry into your beer with style. 8pm, FREE.
* Monday, Nov. 28: Rebel Art Deadline, Gowanus Print Lab: Attention, all currently enrolled students: getcher pieces on the theme of rebellion submitted to the Gowanus Print Lab for a showing set to open Dec. 5. All pieces due by Nov. 28. With police testing out the squishiness and breakability of protesters with night sticks across this great land, the timing is ideal.
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