Vue Opens At Hotel Le Bleu

photo: Nicole Bengiveno/New York Times
According to the NYT, that rooftop resturant lounge, the Vue,has opened on up at Hotel Le Bleu--i.e. Park Slope's only boutique hotel.
Now, I love the shit out of boutique hotels, but I've heard some interesting things about Hotel Le Bleu. Like:
*It's ridiculously overpriced.
*The bathrooms in the hotel rooms are open to the actual room itself, so you'll be taking a shit in front of your husband/kid/one-night-stand/professional escort.
*Hardly anyone is staying there.
*Despite the "views" they talk about in this NYT blurb, the most significant "view" is that of grimy 4th Avenue.
*This restaurant was supposed to open eons ago.
Now granted, I've never been to the joint, so this all could be untrue. Maybe the place rocks so hard, you won't even notice that there is a homeless dude with a shopping cart full of cans loitering outside the lobby, or that your hotel (plus balcony, mais oui!) overlooks the taxi cab garage next door. I guess what I'm saying is, I'm willing to let bygones be bygones and check this place out for my damn self.
Anyone been??
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