The Steve Buscemi On Twitter MYSTERY = SOLVED
Posted by:
Erica |
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 at 12:25AM

I received the following email today:
Steve B to FIPS:
Thanks for being a part of what made the Buscemi twitter account so much fun! Hope you enjoyed the tweets.
Formerly @steve_buscemi, now @fakebuscemi
Same brand of humor under a new @, since Kirstie Alley shut it down. Please follow, retweet, & pass it on if you're a fan!!!
- @fakebuscemi
Alas, we've got a FAKESTEVEBUSCEMI on our hands bitchez! I won't bore everyone with the "I told you so's" but needless to say I DID kinda tell you so. Anyway, follow @fakebuscemi pronto, cause this dude is fucking hilarious.
Steve Buscemi,