The Pavilion Movie Theater Has Officially Been Nominated As the Nastiest & Most Disgusting Theater in Brooklyn...And Won
Posted by: Erica | Monday, January 3, 2011 at 12:00AM
Honestly, who the hell cares if the Pavilion has bedbugs anymore. I'd be more concerned about picking up some flesh eating virus...or THE MOTHERFUCKING PLAGUE.
These fine photos were taken by Brooklynian member SlipperySlope in Theater 5, and I think we can all agree that they are hardcore vom inducing.
ATTN ALL MOVIE THEATER OWNERS EVERYWHERE: if you have ever, even for one hot minute, considered NOT getting black seats in your movie theater, please look at these photos immediately and then go punch yourself in the face.
How in the hell do we live in one of the nicest neighborhoods in Brooklyn, and yet our movie theater looks like it's from a third world country? Things that make you go "hmmm..."
tagged Brooklynian Forum, bedbugs, movies
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