The Best Worst Thing You Will See Today -- Rat Invades Subway Car
Posted by:
Karen |
Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at 2:00PM

It's bad enough when you see rats scurrying along the subway tracks. It's worse when you have to dodge them on the platform. But this video of a rat running through a crowded subway car is simulatneously the stuff of nightmares and the most hilarious thing you've ever seen. There is no doubt in my mind that I would lose my shit if this happened to me. I once screamed and started doing the "get-it-off-me" dance when a stinkbug jumped on my face in a subway car. Still, I love how you hear this one dude wailing/sobbing and at the 12 second mark he yells "Shut up!" Probably to a friend making fun of him. Happy commute home tonight, everybody!