The Baby-Kini: Fashion's Most Unsettling Decision Yet

On first blush (OK, possibly bad choice of metaphor), baby-kini's don't sound that bad, right? I mean, young children run around half naked all the time. Well turns out, putting a child under three years old in a string bikini is very, very creepy -- as Babi-Kini's website seems to go out of its way to prove.
My personal favorite (which is to say, that which I find most unsettling) is the stars-n-stripes model. What's more American than hypersexed, youth worshiping culture anyway? If I don't see an America's Next Top Infant Reality Star wearing one of these in the next six months I'll wear one myself.
What say you, Park Slope moms? Would you put your kid in one of these? FIPS contributor and breeder Bitchy Mom says NO: "I've always thought baby bikinis are gross, but only because of what a fashion fail they are. Those kids are a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen."