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Entries in snow (39)


Snowpocalypse 2010: ONE. LAST. POST

Anyone totally fucking sick of this blizzard yet? Cause I sure as hell am.

I noticed that some side streets in Park Slope were finally plowed as of last night, and although the neighborhood is still a fucking war zone, I think it might be time to move on. I can't promise anything, but I'm hoping that this is our LAST Snowpocalypse of 2010 post E-V-E-R.

This pic above is actually from Bay Ridge at 3rd Ave and 91st street, but I think we should all take a moment to applaud the Brooklyn citizen who took the time out of there snowpacalypsed day to not only pen this fine note to the douchebag who left their car in the middle of a one way street (without even bothering to push it off to the side), but also used some packing tape to ensure that the thing didn't blow away in the wind.

Pissed off Bay Ridge stranger, we salute you!


Who Gives A Shit DAY TWO: Has Your Brooklyn Street Been Plowed?

18th St & 5th Ave...untouched (image via @nataliegallops)Ok, ppl time to find out ah-gain! Was your street visited by the snow plow fairies last night?

Can you walk two feet without falling and breaking a hip?

Greg and decided to walk to dinner last night...we went down Union Street and then made a left on 5th Ave. Holy shitballs! None of the side streets that we passed were even remotely plowed. Like it didn't even look like a snow plow had even attempted to make it's way through even once!

If our rich, white neighborhood isn't even getting plowed then the rest of BK must be TOTALLY fucked. Too bad our Mayor is Bloomberg and not Cory Booker.

Jus sayin.


Snowpocalypse 2010: Pics Or It Didn't Happen Part Deux


Who Gives A Shit: Has Your Brooklyn Street Been Plowed?

snow plows *were* making their way up and down Union Street at around 11am todayCause judging from the deluge of emails, tweets, and angry missives that have been sent in to both myself and Aaron Brashear of Concerned Citizens of Greenwood Heights, the answer for most of your asses is a big fat NO.

Not sure if anyone wants to be identified, so I'm keepin it all anon:

I'm on President Street between 7th and 8th Avenues.  Our block and Carroll Street have not been plowed" as of 10:27am this morn.

And here's another one:

It's now almost 11 AM on Tuesday the 28th. The last plow to come up this street (16th) was on Sunday the 26th at about 2PM. Almost 48 hours.

Add to that that yesterday was garbage and Recycle pick up and after a holiday with added recyclables. So the street is now 4 feet deep in snow and garbage.

I filed 4 complaints yesterday. One online (which will not give you a complaint number but assures that the issue will be resolved (?)) and 3 of which I waited on the line for about 2 hours to speak to an agent. Those complaints were directly related to the sanitation department's lack of attention to the issues at hand.

As for Dentons rosy explaination that "the plows can't get up the street if cars are stuck, luv ya Denton but: if the plows (and salters) had come up the street in the first place, then the cars would not be stuck to begin with.

Basically the City has failed to do it's duty and, in doing so, has created a VERY dangerous situation. The resulting excuses for their lack of proper management of our tax dollars does not change the fact that we are in a bad situation that should have never been allowed to happen. Especially since this storm was not a surprise, and we have already been billed for it.

and one more from this morn:

It appears that they haven't plowed any side streets. I walked around today in the late teens and they were all untouched except for 17th (probably because of the expressway). There are some businesses between 3rd and 4th Avenues in the late teens and early 20s, so it seems extra odd.

Just to make us all even more mad:

One thing that many people are unaware of is how rudimentary the NYC snow removal process is compared to some other places. In Montreal, for example, the City cleans not only the streets but the sidewalks. I was amazed to see hwo they do it last time I was in Montreal during the winter. I posted the below in another forum...
"If you want to see real snow removal, go to Montreal.

They don't just hang some stinkin' plow on some stinkin' garbage truck.

No, they have a whole system. There will be a crew of different vehicles and people. They'll clear the street with big equipment, then they'll have tow trucks pull the cars away from the curb, have a small backhoe remove snow, then put the cars back. Meanwhile big honking bulldozer picks up snow and puts it in dump trucks, where it gets hauled off and dumped in the river. Here are some pix.

Someone also claimed alternate side will be in effect tomorrow.  Not showing on, but someone's asking for a revolution...

Ok, so where are you? And has your street been plowed yet? Enquiring minds wanna know.

UPDATE: Thx to Brownstoner, we found this handy map that someone has set up to track snow removal. Click on over to add your street if you feel like ranting some more.


BREAKING: Roof Collapse in Park Slope!?

This was sent at 1:59pm from NotifyNYC:

"Due to a roof collapse at 2nd Street and 4th Avenue in Brooklyn, 4th Avenue is closed to traffic from Atlantic Avenue to 8th Street in both directions. Expect traffic delays in the area."


Anyone have scoop?

UPDATE: Park Slope Patch has got the scoop. Apparently the roof collapsed due to snow, however, no one was hurt!

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