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Entries in ice cream (4)


MY FAVORITE [CLOSE TO] PARK SLOPE Ice Cream: Ample Hills Creamery


We've got a lot of options for cold sweet treats here in Park Slope. Culture, Louie G's, the newly-opened People's Pops -- the list goes on and on. But as much as I love the others, they all pretty much fail in comparison to Prospect Height's Ample Hills Creamery

If you haven't been to Ample Hills Creamery (623 Vanderbilt Avenue), here's what you're missing: 24 weekly-changing flavors of handcrafted ice cream -- all made on site -- and all made in small batches using fresh, local, all-natural milk, cream, and eggs.

This isn't just your average chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream either, folks. We're talking insanely creative flavors, like Ooey Gooey Butter Cake (vanilla ice cream with gobs of St. Louis Ooey Gooey Butter Cake pieces); or the Baked/Unbaked (Vanilla ice cream with homemade pieces of baked chocolate chip cookies and unbaked chocolate chip cookie dough). Their flavors include some of the best combinations I've had in years. 

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Park Slope Parents Are Still Defending Themselves in This Whole Ice Cream Ban Debacle

Photo via

Good news, everyone! Park Slope parents DON’T hate ice cream. Or at least, they don’t hate it THAT much. Or rather, they don’t hate it in a way that will drastically affect my life. Or something.

What am I even talking about? Why do we care what Park Slope parents think about ice cream? To bring you up to speed: Some parents are (still) angry that ice cream trucks and Italian ice carts have found their way to Prospect Park playgrounds. They took to the blogosphere, specifically Park Slope Parents, to complain about it. The Post picked up the story and tipped off the entire world to an alleged plot to ban ice cream trucks from Prospect Park. A blogging shitstorm of epic proportions followed. Everyone from Jezebel to FiPS picked up the story and skewered the Park Slope Parent community. How could they demonstrate such bad parenting? Why couldn’t they just say “no” to their children? Why is ice cream that big of a deal?

Turns out the quotes may have been taken out of context. Park Slope Parents recently clarified its position on ice cream in the park. Sale of ice cream is cool (nay, encouraged!) by them as long as the milk and cream are from the happiest of organically-fed and hormone-free cows, the eggs are from free-range chickens, and the transportation of said eco-friendly ingredients happens only in compost-fueled trucks. (There are so many ways to snark on those requirements that I simply can’t pick one.) What they object to is the sale of ice cream within the park’s playgrounds, where it’s actually illegal.

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Park Slope Parents on Park Slope Parents

If there's one thing more entertaining than making fun of Park Slope parents, it's Park Slope parents making fun of park slope parents!

Get your head around that, ppl!

It's like a riddle wrapped in an enigma, sheathed in an Uncle Moe's burrito (R.I.P).

Thankfully, italian ice gate is still alive and well in week two (not to be confused with ice-cream gate of 2009, natch). In fact, PSP has apparently released their "official response" on the matter, with the following missive: 

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Cool Or Not Cool: Parents Who Still Fight To Ban Ice Cream in Prospect Park?

I should begin this post with a disclaimer: I am not a parent. I have never been a parent. I hope to one day be a parent, but until then I recognize that I have absolutely no authority on parenting. I say this so that I may nip in the bud any comments suggesting I don’t know anything about parenting. You’re right! I don’t!

Yet this post might upset some parents. Perhaps it’ll make other parents happy. I don’t know exactly what the outcome will be. What I do know is that there is a group of parents threatening one of the most sacred rights of every visitor to Prospect Park: ice cream. And if they're successful, our summers will be a little bit less sweet. Our hot afternoons a little less tuneful. Our appetites less satiated. “Give me ice cream or give me death!” I’ve been known to say. I guess I’ll have to take death, for if a group of radical Park Slope parents with an anti-ice cream agenda have their way, singing trucks full of frozen, creamy, delicious treats and carts of sugary, icy snacks will no longer traverse the open roads and trails of the 585 acre park.

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