COOL OR NOT COOL: Gettin' Busy At The Park Slope Food Coop?
Once in a long while, an article about Park Slope comes across my laptop screen that is just so damn mind-bending in it's own perfectly crafted galactical absurdity, it scrambles my brain a little bit. Like it starts to feel as if the myriad of possibilities for making fun of this shit--this neighborhood we live in and all the people who live in it--is just completely overwhelming. IT'S TOO BIG FOR EVEN THIS BLOG TO HANDLE.
Such is the case with The New York Observer's nuanced exploration into the dark underbelly of the singles scene at your favorite judge-y work camp market and mine: the Park Slope Food Coop. Lest you think the Coop is only good for inane PA announcements or #768 (or whatever the fuck the number is) plastic recycling days, think again, ppl. Because apparently now your 2.75 hours of monthly avocado counting and orange vest walking responsibilities are not the only Coop-y things you have to look forward to. No siree, Sufjan! Here's yet another item to add to your ever growing "Reasons Why The Coop Rocks" Google tasks list: singles events!