You Should Totally Come To This Free Storytelling Class Tomorrow Night
Posted by:
Kerri |
Monday, January 9, 2012 at 7:00AM

If you've ever gone to a Moth storySLAM -- which is the epicenter of competitive storytelling -- it's pretty epic SLASH intimidating. The first time I put my name in the hat for a chance to tell a 5-minute story onstage I freaked out, drank too many gin & tonics and accidentally got wasted (luckily my name wasn't pulled from the hat that night or I may have vomited on the host's shoes).
If you're interested in the art of storytelling, but have let fear of complete vulnuerability and subsequent judgement of complete strangers hinder you, look no further for some advice on how to *not* completely suck at this age-old artform.