Sandy Relief In Action At the Armory [UN-F'D IN PARK SLOPE]

Caught on film so it can't be refuted: Park Slopers doin' a whole lotta good this morning and afternoon at the Park Slope Armory on Eigth Avenue between 14th and 15th Streets. Tens of volunteers showed up by 8 AM to unload 14 tons of Sandy relief supplies bound for three separate locations off an 18-wheeler. A third of the supplies stayed at the Armory, another third were bound for Red Hook, and another third were headed to Sunset Park.
Your fellow do-gooders in action, friends.
And just in case you were wondering, 14 tons of shit is a LOT OF SHIT. That's why everyone clapped when that thing was empty. Fuck yeah. So impressed by the efforts of the coordinators, and everyone who stepped up to be here. Thanks to all.
The Red Hook supplies will be handed out all weekend; sign up for a shift here if you want to help. The Sunset Park supplies are going on to the Rockaways. I don't know much more than that, but if you do, let us know in the comments. However, a group of us--including Kerri and me!--are heading to the Rockaways for an independently organized cleanup tomorrow, Saturday from 9:30a-4:30ish Want to join in? COMMENT ON MY THREAD, and I'll let you know what's up. We're leaving by bike around 8:30/9 tomorrow morning.