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REVIEW: Salon Harmony 

I got my hair cut this weekend for the second time at Salon Harmony...and I officially like the place (also that is SO not me in the pic).

Salon Harmony doesn't have a website...or any photos when you do a google image search.  This is either a carefully orchestrated attempt at exclusivity OR the owner's anti web 2.0 (read: don't know how to use a computer) stance.  It's an interesting approach...espesh since when I got there midday on Saturday, the place was pretty darn packed.

I've never heard anyone talking about it...and, in fact, I only know about it because I walked by one day on my way to Yogo Monster after getting off the Q.  But I liked the look of the place: it looked way more chic and New Yorky than cutesy (my prob with some other Park Slope salons).  I'm not sure why, but I seriously CANNOT handle cutesy at a Salon (a cutesy name being the worst offense, IMO). Anyway. I thought it looked cool in there, so I made an appointment with Danielle.

I don't remember much about my first appt, but I obviously liked my hair enough to come back again.  This time around I gave her a bit of direction, though not much, and she pretty much just nailed exactly what I was looking for.  I have short hair, which seems like it might be easier to deal with, but in fact, I have this theory that short hair is way more challenging than longer hair (based on zero factual evidence, of most of my theories are).  With short hair, you can't hide any mistakes...and there are a surprising number of different directions you can go with it.  AND, since most women don't have short hair, I've always wondered if stylists are just, in general, less experienced with it.

But, Danielle rocked my hair out after we talked a bit during our consultation. I really dig when a stylist can get a bit of direction and then take the reigns and just go with it, and that's exactly what went down with us.  She listened to what I wanted, was super precise in her cut (and took her time to get it perfect), but also didn't check in with me every time she snipped a piece of hair.

Overall, I give them a major thumbs up.

Nobody offered me anything to drink, which I didn't really care much about. But if you are in the habit of getting your haircut with a double chai latte in hand, perhaps that might be a problem for you. My only other beef with the place is that its expensive...pretty much the same price as getting my hair cut in the city = $75.  I *do* think it was worth it based on my cut, but this is Brooklyn, so I would def dig if it were slightly cheaper here (maybe $55?).

In any event, I will be back, so I'm not staging a protest about it or anything.

This brings me to my final point...which has nothing at all to do with Salon Harmony, but is a call to arms to salon owners in general.  The way this whole haircut sitch is set up, its simply not fair to ladiez like me with short hair.  How can it cost the same amount of money to cut my hair as it does to cut someone with long Angelina Jolie hair? Also, if you have short hair, you have to get your hair cut WAY more often.  SO, not only do we pay the same price for a haircut that usually takes 50% less time (and/or effort? not sure on that one), but then we have to do it every 4 weeks!? 

Here's what I propose: a short haircut club.  Offer chicks with short hair a discount on their haircuts if we pre-pay for a series of cuts.  So, if you normally charge $75, charge me $50 ONLY if I agree to buy a series of 3 haircuts as one package.  It's win win for everyone: you get our money upfront, we get a discount, AND we agree to come back at least 3 more times.  You could even offer further discounts for 6 haircut packages or even 9.  Shit you could offer this to everyone actually, as some sort of recesh special....though I mostly just care about myself and anyone else with short hair.

Think about it.

Salon Harmony

9 Seventh Avenue


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    Klosterman’ s writing style itself is purposefully inelegant, but (to borrow one of his favourite terms) trenchant. It gets the job done, and adds a potent sting to the more honest or insightful portions. The story centers around three central, virtually unconnected characters, Mitch, a highschool junior, Julia, a 23 year ...

Reader Comments (2)

I agree that you should pay less if you have short hair. However, I don't think I should pay the same rate as someone with layers or curls. I have really long, straight hair that is all one length. I only ever get a trim - it takes a few minutes to do! I don't ever get layers, or curves or bangs or anything. Haircuts are extremely personal and should be priced differently, according to cut, shape, curls or straight, etc.

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermichele

Wait wait wait. Aren't short haircuts more difficult? I have shoulder-length hair, and they just chop off the bottoms, even out the bangs (being poor = diy trimming) and send me on my merry way. Eh, I support discounts for any and all, I guess.

March 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndrea

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