Principles vs. Nostalgia? Nostalgia FTW!

I had quite the moral dilemma at Old Navy yesterday. Nope, it wasn't about whether I should support the manufacturing of shitty disposable clothing that was stitched together by a slave-wage earning Bangladeshi six year old. THAT would actually be a legitimate debate to have with myself... but hey, labels go on the inside for a reason! Amirite?
My first thought when I saw this toddler sized G.I. Joe t-shirt was that my husband would LOOOOVE it. The irony is that we are Liberal, gun-hating, Kale-eating, pacifist, Brooklyn would-be hipsters (if we had a little more disposable income, a lot more style and no self-respect).
Should I buy what is arguably a bizarre, pro gun-culture message for our precious spawn? Could I convince myself that I was purchasing a shirt (for a child who cannot yet read) that primarily serves as a Bat-signal to other Park Slope parents who also know that Saturday mornings in the 1980s were the shit?
In the battle of principles vs. nostalgia, I know that letting nostalgia win sometimes might make us hypocrites, but it also keeps us from being completely insufferable self-righteous douchebags... and knowing is half the battle.
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