Pavilion Theater Had No Heat Sunday But Still Sold Tickets

Photo credit: William Miller/NY PostFor fuck's sake, the Pavilion Theater has fucked up once again. Apparently, there was no heat at all yesterday, and even though a manager supposedly instructed ticket-sellers to inform moviegoers about the situation before they bought their tickets, it seems not everyone got the message. According to the NY Post:
A manager admitted that the heating system was having technical difficulties.
“It felt like the air-conditioner was on,” said Andrea Scott, 29, a Clinton Hill filmmaker who huddled with her friends for warmth while watching “Catching Fire.”
“My nose got cold. I kept my scarf on. I was coming to the movies on a day like today to be warm and cozy. It wasn’t. You’d would expect it to be warmer inside,” she said.
Outside, the temperature struggled to climb above 30 degrees.
“I had my jacket around me the whole time,” said Lauren McCarthy, 35, a counselor from Park Slope, after seeing the same flick. “My hands were under my legs. Tickets are expensive. They can turn the heat up.”
Offers of free tea and coffee were cold comfort to those who stuck it out. Hidrock Realty, Inc., which owns the building, claims no responsibility, and that any and all blame/fault/whatever lies with Cinema Holdings Group.
Were any of you FIPSters there this weekend? Tell us your stories!