"PARKSLOPE:" Yer Doin' It Wrong
We've got a new neighbor in town, Center Slopers: the Parkslope Eatery. Yes, as I am used to filtering my life through an AP Stylebook and painstaking line edits on a daily basis with my real world job, I cringe as I write "Parkslope." I suppose I won't ask the question as to whether these guys are locals.
I've been watching this place get built for a while, and, as I walked by the other day and saw it'd opened up (Seventh Ave at 5th Street), I became irrationally angry at its sign. (My lack of a life/where I expend my emotional effort is not a point of contention with regards to this post, so move right along, please.) I'm willing to forgive these guys because a cursory peek inside revealed a make-your-own-salad counter (though I've yet to try it, or even walk in for that matter), but I guess take this as a word of advice to you potential business owners: Like, use spell check 'n' shit.
Anyone have any additional details on this joint? Thumbs up/down?
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