Park Slope Craigslist Blotter

I heard on one of those history channel shows, where people buy/sell garbage, that “boat” stands for Bust Out Another Thousand. So I guess if you’re going to buy this, or trade in the seller his preferred pick-up or motorcycle, you should know it’s going to be a commitment. The yacht life isn’t all champagne wishes and caviar dreams.
It is football season and these are being advertised as good for a “Man Cave.” I don’t know. It’s two little boys playing football in ill-fitting clothes. It’s really closer to a Coppertone ad than a Man Cave decoration. You’re not going to have the bros over to see if this little kid’s shorts are going to get pulled down.
I don’t care if it’s the cross Christ was nailed to, $400 is a laughable price for some reclaimed wood. These aren’t finished tables. You’ll just be getting pieces of a bowling alley lane to do what you want with. They have some pictures and they do look nice, though. So, if you’re interested, see if you can negotiate the price point a bit.
A 40 year old man has contracted scabies. A disease I had never really heard of – I thought they were just baby scabs. That would explain the itching, too. Anyway. It’s an infectious disease. Unpleasant to have. This guy is living in isolation now. So his “Missed” connection isn’t like a missed train as much as “I miss my mom.” If you know a good home remedy for this or maybe just a really great back scratcher please help him out.
Hipster dude sees hipster girl on subway. She pulls out a notebook that has two magic words on it. He falls in love. However, before he can finish scribbling out the perfect whimsical note, because he’s a douchebag, she exits. Eyes rolling hard over here. I was curious about the magic words though. “Bear Cop.” Where cop? Bear cop. Yogi and Booboo buddy cop movie? Let’s Be Bear Cops. I searched it and one of the first things that came up was a popular gay twitter handle for “Gay/bossman/gearheads…looking for playmates.”
When in a dry spell you might feel the pull to text a previous fling. Don’t panic. This is normal. It’s probably a bad idea though. There is a reason why it didn’t work out in the first place right? This poster could have used somebody to tell him that. Since he is calling out for the person who took his virginity…in 2000. So thirsty.