Cool or Not Cool: Using Your Kid's Class List to Promote Your...Whatever

Photo credit: ikopylov
Woo-hoo! As of today, the NYC public school kids are back in their classrooms. Did you hear that 'whoosh' sound as you headed for the subway this morning? That was the collective sigh of relief of parents across the city. Those first few days of school are filled with excitement over seeing old friends, making new ones, meeting new teachers, sharpening new pencils...and for the parents, the distribution of the new class list.
But, there is a recent and ongoing problem with class lists. Perhaps I'm alone in this, but I have a serious gripe with people who take their kid's class list(s), and take ALL of the parents' emails and put them on the distribution list for their band, blog, reading, spoken word events, etc. Unless I asked you to sign me up for your mailing list, please do not put me on it.
Please do feel free to email me to find out the homework assignment -- I'll even scan a homework sheet and email it to you! And of course, you should email invitations for birthday parties, or reminders to contribute (if you so choose) to the class gift for the teacher, or to coordinate what food everybody is bringing to the holiday party. But, please, at the very least, ask first before you sign me up for monthly emails.
Who's with me?