Park Slope: A Meat Pounder's Wet Dream

Jason Fox of Fleisher's Meats Photograph: Lindsay Pugnali / Via Time Out NY
Calling all Park Slope carnivores! If you’re tired of the non-organic meat in the nabe, today is your lucky day: Get ready to deep throat a shit ton of organic protein! Fleisher's Butcher Shop is SOOOOCLOSE to opening on 5th avenue, and we've got a preview of the handsome fella that's gonna' be behind the meat counter.
When Jason Fox’s gig as a photographer for Christie’s auction house fell through he was all, “I know! It’s time to book a one-way ticket to sausage city!” He used his contacts in the art world (who apparently are hip with the sustainable meat crowd) to land himself a month-long training program at Fleisher’s Grass-fed Organic Meats in Kingston, New York, where he presumably cuddled with some cows before slaughtering them.
Unfortch, Jason’s plans for a sustainable restaurant went kaput, but he had such a hardcore bromance with Fleisher’s co-owner, Joshua Applestone, that he was asked to head up the meat-carving crew at the Park Slope branch of The Hudson Valley Shop. OH NO HE DIDN’T!
Seriously, how excited are you about this? And while waiting to get your hands on Jason’s freshly murdered cow flesh, you can think about participating in Fleisher's "Pig To Pork" master class. For $300 you can "visit a farm, observe a slaughter and participate in a butchery session." The next one is on October 9th @ 307 Wall St. in Kingston, NY.
If that doesn’t get you in the mood for bacon, I don’t know what will.
[Via Time Out NY]