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Park Slope 100 List Dropped

Only The Blog Knows Boring came out with their annual Park Slope 100 list last week. You know, the "fifth  annual alphabetical list of 100 people, places and things that make Park Slope such a special place to live. 100 Stories, 100 ways of looking at the world."

If you can actually get through the whole thing without having to sniff glue to stay awake, you deserve an all expense paid trip to the non-ghetto Target in Harlem.

Personally, I thought the thing read like one of those "senior lists"--is that what they're called? Like when you're a senior in H.S. and they print out each seniors thank yous/memories in a big list, which is really nothing more than a desperate attempt for most of us to ensure that everyone knew that even though we weren't ON the cheerleading squad, we were still FRIENDS with the cheerleaders. I WAS ACTUALLY MORE POPULAR THAN YOU THOUGHT I WAS, PPL.

So yeah, aside from #75 (Congrats, Allison!) it was snoozefest 2010 pour moi.

OH, except for the faux sincere shout-out to Stephanie Thompson who took over Smart Mom's column after she got canned by the Brooklyn Paper and then in her first week (when she talked about maybe wanting to divorce her husband), managed to get more attention than Smartmom EVER did in the entire history of her time at the paper. So yes, I'm *sure* this was a completely sincere comment:

Stephanie, you also get kudos for handing out those gold stars to thank people for just making an effort these days. Steph, you deserve one yourself.

What I WAS entertained by, however, were the Brownstoner comments in response to the Park Slope 100 list, which I will cut and paste below in full. These are both a spot on expression of what everyone thought of OTBKB's redonk list, what everyone thinks of Park Slope and a fantastic example of how comments just spin out of control into their own magnificent little world. It's pretty much pure poetry in motion.

[sidenote: whoever the hell "bowl of dicks" is....I think I love you].


By eh on December 17, 2010 10:24 AM

otbkb has got to be one of the most insipid blogs out there.

By InsertSnappyNameHere on December 17, 2010 10:24 AM

Reads more like a never-ending list of shout-outs to friends. Next.

By daveinbedstuy on December 17, 2010 10:30 AM

Yawn. Who cares?

By slopefarm on December 17, 2010 10:35 AM

Um, jackal might. Did any of youse make it down to T on the list?

By Butterfly on December 17, 2010 10:38 AM

WHAT!?!?! my midnight Moonface sticker mission did not make the list!?!? GRRRRR


By etson on December 17, 2010 10:40 AM

Wonder if any of them 'sponsored' the article? (cf Absolut Brooklyn)

By qualmly on December 17, 2010 10:56 AM

Stuff White People Like!

By infinitejester on December 17, 2010 11:01 AM

Pretty innocuous list. The people I generally don't know but the locations I do and they're generally excellent.

By bowl of dicks on December 17, 2010 11:08 AM

pardon, but isn't that pie shop in the Gowanus?

By crimsonson on December 17, 2010 11:21 AM

If you live in 4th Ave, you are in Gowanus.

If you are hot buzzing eatery in 3rd Ave, you are in Park Slope.

By dirty_hipster on December 17, 2010 11:23 AM

Park Slope has a list? How lame.

By guywithahouse on December 17, 2010 12:01 PM

Even as a non-hater, I sometimes feel that lists like this (the list itself, not the people) embodies everything that's wrong with Park Slope.

By DitmasSnark on December 17, 2010 12:25 PM

> everything that's wrong with Park Slope

Also known as the Park Slope 100,000.

I kid, I kid. You know I still loves me some Slope.

By 11217 on December 17, 2010 12:30 PM

So because some woman writes a blog and makes up some silly list, that somehow symbolizes your hatred for an entire neighborhood?

God, some of you people are lame.

By dirty_hipster on December 17, 2010 12:34 PM

taylor swift sucks

By 11217 on December 17, 2010 12:37 PM

If that's true, DH, I'm jealous given who she's been spotted with.

By Boerumresident on December 17, 2010 12:41 PM

They of course also list Mile End, which is on Hoyt. Like a cancer, Park Slope's boundaries grow and grow.

By BoerumHill on December 17, 2010 12:54 PM

By Boerumresident on December 17, 2010 12:41 PM

They of course also list Mile End, which is on Hoyt. Like a cancer, Park Slope's boundaries grow and grow.



I don't think they're trying to leap four avenues. It was a hot place, and presumably a lot of Slopers made the trek.

When is the last time a PS resy or deli had the same kind of buzz? I realize that is a bat signal for 11217 to rattle off 12 mediocre places, but in all seriousness...when was the last time PS had something that was really special, something so awesomely great that everyone was talking about it and coming from all over the borough to check it out.

Well, let's see...the plane crash 50 years ago. What else?

By BoerumHill on December 17, 2010 12:56 PM

BTW, I do like their green market better than downtown or Ft Greene or that produce co-op thing they do down in CG - so that is one thing I go over there besides the park/museum/library/garden.

By dirty_hipster on December 17, 2010 12:58 PM

"when was the last time PS had something that was really special, something so awesomely great that everyone was talking about it and coming from all over the borough to check it out."

hehe - you're gonna get it from 11217!!!

By BoerumHill on December 17, 2010 1:10 PM

He must be on lunch, dh. Or he's editing a lengthy diatribe that will take multiple posts.

I don't hate on the Slope. But that woman who writes that blog - SmartMom? - good gawd, I would be ashamed if she lived in my 'hood.

By BoerumHill on December 17, 2010 1:12 PM

It should be noted for those don't remember I never created a new user name after we moved; I'm now in the easy-to-hate retirement community northwest of Boerum.

By DitmasSnark on December 17, 2010 1:32 PM

> I'm now in the easy-to-hate retirement community northwest of Boerum.

Boredom Hell?

Eh, too easy. Never mind.

By Butterfly on December 17, 2010 1:46 PM

I don't hate on the Slope. But that woman who writes that blog - SmartMom? - good gawd, I would be ashamed if she lived in my 'hood.

why? she really doesn't represent even like 95% of the people who live in park slope.


By BoerumHill on December 17, 2010 1:46 PM

Boredom Heights, Ditmas. But my next move is gonna be to buy a big ole oil burner in VF (or maybe Midwood is more my budget).

Ever see Money Pit? Crappy late 80s (?) movie with Tom Hanks? That's my dream. Buy a big wraparound porch, then backup a dump truck full of money and pour it into the black hole inside the porch. Then I'll fire up the grill and cook my friends hot dogs (because we'll be too house poor to afford steaks), and tell all my friends how great it is to have a wood stove to gather around in the winter. I'll leave out the part about closing off the other 12 rooms because we can't afford the heating bill.

By dirty_hipster on December 17, 2010 1:54 PM

"Then I'll fire up the grill and cook my friends hot dogs "

if your friends are from Park Slope, they'll turn their nose up at your hot dogs because they've grown accustomed to eating fancy haute dogs from Bark.

By Butterfly on December 17, 2010 2:01 PM

not me, ill happily scarf down an oscar myer


By DitmasSnark on December 17, 2010 2:45 PM

> Buy a big wraparound porch, then backup a dump truck full of
> money and pour it into the black hole inside the porch.

Sounds great. I lust for some of those lovely money pits in my neighborhood.

By BoerumHill on December 17, 2010 3:08 PM

dh -

We had two friends who were PSers; one moved to midtown, the other went up the Hudson Valley.

So disappointed 11217 ignored the bait. He has a certain je ne sais quoi that is priceless; one of the more entertaining aspects of Brownstoner.

By 11217 on December 17, 2010 3:26 PM

I shot my load today on the AY thread and don't have it in me to do much PS defense today. :))

By 11217 on December 17, 2010 3:55 PM

Although in true to form fashion, I must say that this place is an excellent new addition to the Slope. Probably not drawing people from ALL over the borough, but certainly from some of the brownstone neighborhoods... :) Enjoy!

By dirty_hipster on December 17, 2010 3:58 PM

thistle hill tavern is overrated ;)

By prezanon on December 17, 2010 4:03 PM

Mr. B caught my interest with this diagonal-photo view. Well, it kind of Slopes.

By 11217 on December 17, 2010 4:07 PM

Not overrated, dh...just a place for a more refined and mature palette.


By oe on December 17, 2010 4:32 PM

it's fun to criticize, but she's been around doing this stuff for a lot longer than most people. Nothing wrong with trying to celebrate the good things around you this time of year.

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