OPEN THREAD: Happy Long-Ass Memorial Day Weekend, FIPSTERS!

Tilden Beach, after the epic hike. Photo Via my iPhone, which doesn't suck most of the time.
Thank-fucking-Louise that the endless string of rainy days stopped in time for Memorial Day weekend! I don't know about you guys, but I've only spent ten minutes indoors over the past three days. On Saturday my friends and I embarked on an epic bike journey from Grand Army Plaza to Tilden Beach, where we collapsed onto blankets and spent the day ogling the topless women traipsing about. My ass and quads feel like Jell-o, but it was ABSOLUTELY worth it.
What's been the high point of your weekend thus far? Did you go to the beach? Or sit outside of Mezcal and down a few margarita pitchers with your girlfriends (and maybe you got wasted and told them all what you REALLY think of them)? Did you engage in an epic wiffle/kickball tourney? For you breeders, did your kid do something super fucking cute in the park?
Report back, Fipsters! And lastly, to quote Mike Birbiglia: "I love the troops. Because if they weren't the troops, I would be the troops. And I would be the worst troops. Happy Memorial Day."