[My Favorite Park Slope...] Place to catch the foliage
I know that Greenwood Cemetery is *technically* not in Park Slope. I know this. But when I first moved to Brooklyn I lived on 27th street and 5th avenue -- a place that the broker described as "the southern tip of Park Slope." So for a year I thought that me, the cemetery and everyone buried inside of it was in fact part of the beloved Brownstone Bugaboo nabe that the likes of Steve Buscemi and John Turturro called home.
Last Wednesday, my boyfriend and I took advantage of the beautiful 65 degree day and wandered south down 7th ave. When we hit 23rd street, we walked the perimeter of the cemetery -- down the avenues and across the number streets, until reaching the main entrance at 25th street and 5th ave. Once inside, we were greeted LOUDLY by the giant, wild parrots that live at the very top of the main entrance gate.
I don't want to sound all Katherine-Heigl-in-some-lame-rom-com-(seriously-how-is-she-still-getting-work), but Greenwood Cemetery in autumn is MAGICAL. It is romantic as the dickens (are the "dickens" ever romantic, or can they only be scared out of you?). The entire place is a burst of colors -- reds, oranges, yellows, greens -- and these leaves were falling and twirling from the trees, snowflake-like, down on us as we passed underneath (side note: when this happens, it's fun to stand with your arms outstretched like Jennifer Love Hewitt in I Know What You Did Last Summer and scream, "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, HUH?! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FORRRRR?!")
My favorite thing about visiting this place is how fucking high you can climb. Up, up up -- and once at the top there's this gorgeous view of the rest of the cemetery and miss Lady Liberty herself across the river.
I highly recommend getting your ass over there before the trees get naked.
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