Mookie Does Red Hook

A rumor surrounding Spike Lee's latest production, which is filming in our very backyard, has been leaked: Mookie is back, y’all. Via Blackfilm comes the news that Spike’s character from the classic BK film, Do The Right Thing, may be appearing in a new movie no so creatively named Red Hook Summer.
The premise is supposedly similar to DTRT (maybe a sequel or pre-quel) and is about a dude from Atlanta that spends his summer in Red Hook. I’m envisioning Mookie picking up a new Malm bed at Ikea, noshing
on some delicious meatballs, stopping by Fairway for some provisions and then going home to put that shit together…but alas, this is why I am not a director of motion pictures.
Spike Lee is SOOOOO excited about this project, recently tweeting: ”Wake Up. I been up since 430am. On the way to the set of THE NEW SPIKE LEE JOINT.Today is 1st Day of Shooting. Awwwwwwwwwwww
Have any of you Red Hook peeps seen any filming happening in the hood?