Mayoral Race Heats up with de Blasio Non-Scandal

Image via NYDailyNews.comAs every news outlet grasps at straws to expose each candidate’s “dark passenger," we have learned that Bill De Blasio is no angel himself. He didn’t tweet his junk around the virtual world, but, according to New York Magazine, he has allegedly had staffers pick up and/or watch his children throughout his time on the City Council.
Now, I have had a multitude of shitty fucking jobs throughout my tenure in NYC, but never have I been forced to watch my boss’ kids. Scandal? Well—not the dick-showing, scarlet letter type, but if he had city employees nannying on company time that’s akin to stealing, isn’t it?
Sure, they're denying it and spinning it like he’s some great dad who puts his kids first, but we know the truth FIPSters. We’ve all have to cough up the dough for nannies and babysitters. That shit don’t come cheap! So, unless the city staffers start watching our kids for free, I’m not going to feel too bad seeing de Blasio face the fury…only if it’s true of course.
If not we’ll just have to go back to talking about Weiner’s wiener.