Ok, ppl. So Hurricane Irene has blown her ass out of town, and I for one am pretty thrilled that I never had to make use of our "safe room." I am so serious, by the way.
Based on the armageddon like predictions of what was gonna go down, I actually cleared out our walk-in closet to use as a safe room in case the winds got too bad. All that advice about not being by any windows in your apt--Right, well there aren't any spots in our apt that aren't near a window.
Anyway, lucky for all of our asses, it doesn't seem like there was a whole hell of a lot of damage in Park Slope. And I didn't mind the overpreparation AT ALL. In fact, I think Bloomberg and the rest of the state and city officials did a pretty killer job ensuring that we were all as safe and sound as possible.
So how did you spend your Irene Hurrication? Are you even attempting to go to work Mon. morn? What percentage of the weekend did you spend drunk and/or high? Tell us e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.