Hey Park Slope! Head to Der Kommissar And Grab A Weiner's Weiner!

Photo Via NYDailyNews.com
Last week when all this hoopla about Anthony Weiner's weiner pic hit, I got down on my knees and thanked the Lord for this comedic manna from Heaven. Ever since I heard of this clown trying to run for mayor I said please someday let him be involved in a sex scandal just so I could pop open a can of puns.
And because Park Slope is on the forefront of all things snarky, Der Kommissar on 5th Avenue has really stepped up to the plate. According to the Daily News, as of Saturday the Park Slope Austrian sausage fest has been serving up a special treat called the Weiner's weiner. Here's the long and the short of it: Two beef hot dogs on two slices of French bread brushed with olive oil. The deal was going for six smackers and according to Der Kommisser it wasn't a hot seller. I guess Slopers just couldn't swallow it.
Also, how much did I love this (Via The Daily News):
"We talked about serving the special on a bed of underwear, but we didn't know what the reaction would be to that," said co-owner Alex Darsey. "The joke kind of told itself."
All Anthony Weiner jokes will tell themselves. That's the beauty of them.
"Anthony's weiner never tasted so good."