Happy BELATED Lame-Ass School Holiday Formerly Known as Brooklyn Queens Day
ed note: I shoulda posted this shit last week, but I suck so I didn't.
So, as with almost all days (and weeks) off of school, the holiday formerly known as B/Q Day came as a somewhat unwelcome surprise. Even more so when I realized the night before that it was also my double at the food coop.
So instead of sharing meaningful moments like the one above at the beauteous and nearby Botanical Gardens, I spent four hours and twenty minutes doing this.
Only I wasn't smiling.
Because, I swear to you, food coop shift(s) NEVER fail to fall on the most inconvenient days possible. Thanksgiving. Christmas. Winter Break. Spring Break. President's Day. And now... Chancellor's Conference Day. Yes, Manhattan was feeling gipped (ha!) so they renamed B/Q Day.
A little history on this historic holiday lifted from the Brooklyn Eagle:
Since 1829 public school students in Brooklyn (and eventually Queens) have been given a school holiday on a Thursday in early June to celebrate the founding of the Brooklyn Sunday School Union in 1816.
But in 2007 the holiday expanded to all five boroughs as part of a new contract between teachers and the Department of Education (DOE).
Kids across the city will have the day off. But instead of participating in traditional Anniversary/Brooklyn-Queens Day activities, teachers will attend meetings. The once-grand holiday is now described in the DOE calendar as “Chancellor’s Conference Day for staff development related to the Regents High Learning Standards and Assessments.”
By the way, Joe Holtz says that Erica's embossed personal invitation to the very next orientation (there's a WAITING LIST, folks) is on its way.
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