Fire on 7th Avenue
Earlier today, a fire broke out in an apartment building at 152 7th avenue, just above Szechuan Delight. The street was blocked off from 1st to Lincoln Place, but by the time I reached the scene the fire trucks were just leaving, and everything seemed to be under control. The Here's Park Slope dude got there a bit quicker, and described the scene as such:
"At least six fire trucks are on the scene along with several more auxilliary vehicles and ambulances, and while it looks as if there were no injuries, several firefighters and onlookers on the scene were being treated with oxygen masks."
He adds that it doesn't look like there were any serious injuries, though some onlookers, including firefighters, were being treated on the street with oxygen masks.
Here's another photo sent by an anon FiPS reader. There's something very Twister-esque about it...
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