FIPS Throwback Thursdays: Patrick Stewart Park Slope Tumblr

I'm not sure how I missed this until now, but I only discovered this awesome Park Slope Patrick Stewart Tumblr yesterday. Of course, FIPS already covered it a year ago (before I was part of the whack pack), and here's what Thomas had to say then:
You thought the RYAN GOSLING FOOD COOP TUMBLR was awesome? Well, this might be even better.
With the news that Jean Luc Picard, er, uh, PATRICK STEWART IS BUYING INTO OUR NEIGHBORHOOD, it was just a matter of time before this happened. PARK SLOPE PATRICK STEWART is the name of the Tumblr, and I actually LOL'ed at a couple of these. And they're certainly exploiting all the best neighborhood fodder. Co-op? Check! Bike lane? Check! Strollers in bars? Check!
Patrick Stewart photo plus Park Slope stereotype equals awesome hilarity. The end.
Park Slope Patrick Stewart is as fucking hilarious today as it was a year ago. I think this is my most favorite recent post, and not just because of the cameo of our Boerum Hill neighbor, Ethan Hawke: