Does Bay Ridge Blame Park Slope For Tire Slashings?

Over three-dozen cars’ tires were slashed in Bay Ridge on 71st and 72nd st. this past Monday night, and neighbors are looking at a Park Slope tire shop for some answers. Danny’s Rims, Tires, and Accessories had peppered the same rows of cars with business cards advertising their services a couple days earlier. “It could just be coincidental, but it’s kind of fishy,” one neighbor who declined to be identified told the Brooklyn Paper. “Most times, it’s just some kid and they hit one tire. But this time, they did it so that you can’t just throw a spare on.”
OK, well yes, that seems fishy and highly coincidental. BUT… it just doesn’t add up.
Disclaimer: I’ve visited Danny’s many a time. I don’t own a car, BUT…Danny’s happens to be guarded by a very cute shar pei pup named Scooby, who just had babies with another dog down the street, and now Scooby’s pup child lives there too, Lucky. So obviously I stop to pet and snuggle them, VERY frequently.
Moving on...
Why would a tire shop all the way in motherfucking Park Slope expect people from Bay Ridge to schlep over for just a tire fix? Also, I’m not sure Danny’s has a world class marketing department, but I would hope they would have the business prowess to not be so obvious as to distribute business cards AND slash in the same week…any business school drop out knows that.
“It’s got to be a bad coincidence,” said Jolio Moran of Danny’s. “We don’t pay people to slash tires. It’s frustrating that people would even think we would do something like that. We don’t even specialize in fixing flats. Our main thing is [selling] rims.”
Well Jolio, I hope you are right. I really don’t want to think that Scooby and Lucky are being raised by assholes.