Cute or Not Cute?: Baby Baboons
Posted by:
Karen |
Tuesday, November 26, 2013 at 12:15PM

Photo credit: ulie Larsen Maher © Wildlife Conservation Society
As reported on Gothamist yesterday, there are two new baby baboons at the Prospect Park Zoo. One was born on August 9th, and the other Septebmer 26th, but I guess they are just making their public debuts now. Personally, I think they could have waited a little longer. Normally, a baby animal of any sort makes me all SQUEEEEE, but this baby baboon gives me the creeps. There's something about that ALF-like nose and the giant ears that's just freaking me the fuck out, people!
What do you think? Are you all AWWWWWWWW over the new editions to the neighborhood?