Cool Or Not Cool: Getting Your Baber’s Ears Pierced?

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Depending on where you’re from culturally and/or geographically, there seems to be a difference of opinion on whether or not getting a baby girl’s ears pierced is an adorable rite of passage or just plain unnecessary and cruel.
A New York Times opinion piece and a subsequent Refinery 29 article both covered the subject, citing that Latin cultures, especially around Miami, where the population is largely Hispanic, are all gung-ho about piercing baby girls as soon as they’ve freshly emerged from the womb.
Some in favor of baby piercing have made the argument that it’s not any worse than circumcising a newborn male baby -- they don’t remember the pain anyway -- and that if you wait until a child's older to pierce the ears, they're more likely to get their grubby little fingers all over their lobes, which could cause infections.
Anti-baby piercers (the anti-choice?) make note of the fact that babies don’t know any better and may pull the earrings out and eat them (choking hazard!), and that stabbing your newborn’s ears at such a young age is painful and traumatizing.
Miami has spoken: they can’t get enough. But how about Park Slope: Are you pro or anti-baby bling?