Cool Or Not Cool: Couples Boxing Class on Valentine's Day

Image via bodysynergy/DNAinfo.comAccording to, Joanna Paterson, a Park Slope fitness trainer, has very cleverly pitched a "special couples boxing workout" for Valentine's Day.
Forget flowers and heart-shaped boxes of chocolates — some romantic Park Slope couples will celebrate Valentine's Day by punching each other.
I have to give Ms. Paterson credit for ingenuity in getting customers in the door, but there's something a little hinky to me about about a couple getting their rocks off with a left hook, even if it is under the guise of a legit boxing class.
Paterson's boxing sessions generally start with a full-body warm-up consisting of plyometric exercises like jumping jacks and lunges. Then Paterson will pair up sparring partners based on body size so clients can get the feel of landing jabs. Next she'll have couples face off.
I mean, sure, who hasn't wanted to pummel their spouse for leaving their underwear on the bathroom floor? I don't know. Maybe it's a lingering ick leftover from seeing Rihanna back together with Chris Brown at the Grammy's, but this just seems wrong to me. Do you agree?
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