Cool or Not Cool: Arguing via notes on a trash can
Posted by:
Karen |
Wednesday, November 20, 2013 at 2:45PM

A FIPS reader sent in this photo of a trash can in front of an apartment building on Third Street in Park Slope. Let's break this down: Some neighborhood person is so bothered that this building has felt the need to label their recycling bins clearly, he or she went home (or to the office?) typed up this note, printed it, grabbed some tape, and brought it back to affix to the bin. Was it the exclamation point that pushed him/her over the edge? And how does he know that it's the residents of the building who are unwilling? Maybe the exclamation points are for entitled passersby who don't give a shit and are too lazy to wait until they get to a corner with a public trash can. And then -- AND THEN! -- some other person comes by and santicmoniously points out in red ink -- RED INK! -- that NYC Sanitation doesn't give a shit if you separate your recyclables, so who cares.
This is clearly a case for Passive Aggressive Notes.