Can't Afford Rent? Buy An RV!

Images via and tinyhousepins.comRent’s too high, the economy sucks but you really, really, REALLY want to live in Park Slope. What do you do? You buy and RV and park it in Park Slope, obviously.
At least that’s what Park Slope native Steven Cintron did when he wanted to move back to the place where he grew up. The 34 year old construction worker found himself with no place to go (at least, no place affordable) when he broke up with his girlfriend, so he opted to buy a used RV from Craig’s List for $5,000, park in the neighborhood and make that his place of residency.
Is this fucking drastic or fucking brilliant? I don’t even know, man. But it sure gives an interesting new definition to being fucked in Park Slope.
The crazy thing is, he’s not alone. With average New York rents hitting a ridiculous $3,105 a month, some people are actually opting to just buy an RV for a fraction of a year’s rent and choose whatever neighborhood they want to live in. Or, shit, whatever neighborhood they want to live in any given day, given their mood and available parking spaces.
Some RV owners, like B. Bryan, pimp out their RVs so hard that it would bring a tear to Xzibit’s eye (please tell me you caught that reference, dear reader, so I don’t feel too old, nor out of touch). Bryan’s got solar roof panels for electricity, a Playstation, two 40 inch TVs with satellite service and a security camera. Others, like Cintron, have far more modest RVs which are still comparable in terms of living space to some apartments in town.
Of course there are real issues like finding parking and a supply of electricity and water. And the fact that you’re living in a fucking RV. But the biggest downside? It won’t be long until hipsters begin romanticizing this idea, buying their own RVs and start turning Brooklyn into one giant trailer park. At which point Cintron and others living in RVs out of necessity will be crowded out of New York… again.
Part of me wonders if Park Slope, or even New York as a whole, is really worth this hassle. Probably not? Like I said before: I don’t fucking know! I do know it’s bonkers that living in an RV you actually own instead of paying ridiculous rent for a little shithole could actually, possible, maybe make perfect sense.