Butter Me Up BrooklynI crank up my oven to keep my apartment toasty during the fall. Since I can only make so many shrinky dinks, its probably time to start actually baking. If you're in need of some baking-related inspiration or food porn, check out Butter Me Up Brooklyn. Brooklyn blogger Lillie Auld has been baking since she mastered the (vegan!) Less-Mess Cake from an American Girl magazine.
While she's only been blogging from her Carroll Gardens kitchen for a few months, Lillie has a built up a recipe index of pies, breakfast treats and cocktails (for those more comfortable around a wet bar). On her agenda this fall, Lillie plans to make pumpkin cookies, apple tarts and homemade soda syrups for cocktail mixers. Definitely check out her cakes, which Lillie says is her favorite thing to bake:
A cake means a party. Eating a cake by your self is pretty hard to do and it is the best reason to invite a friend over to share.