Cat Walkers: Need I Say More?
I remember when I tried to walk my cat Ratty in an attempt to maintain equal treatment between her and my dog. I carried her outside and latched on a leash, expecting that she'd happily trot forward. Instead when I put her on the ground she screeched and jumped backwards. I'm guessing she was trying to escape, and it was quite a struggle to get her to hold still so I could take the leash off. It was kind of a bad scene...
If you have managed to get your cats to walk on a leash, or at least cooperate enough to be dragged along with only a slight struggle, I think you’ll enjoy this video. IT'S PRETTY DAMN FUNNY. Also, It might give you a nice little preview into your future of loneliness, ugly knit sweaters and classified ads seeking other fellow cat walkers that will "not only be punctual but also on time."
Enjoy your cat ladydom (or cat mandom, let’s not be sexist).
Via Ingrid Ostby.
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