Casually dating? Bring your own sheets to the booty call.

Yo. Any of you guys hear of this weekly ‘look inside the sex lives of our fellow New Yorkers’ thing that NY Mag has going? Well, if you haven’t, today is your lucky day. This week’s particular gem came from a 26-year-old, Research Associate from our very own Park Slope. She’s single/casually dating and according to her seven-day recap of her week-o’-fuckin’-two-different-dudes, she didn’t change the sheets!
6:10 p.m.: Heading to the laundromat. I only have two towels, and the scientist used my extra one when he spent the night on Monday. I want to have a fresh towel for the musician, in case he wants to shower in the morning. I decide not to change my sheets, even though the scientist and I had sex on them Monday night and Tuesday morning. They were pretty tidy sessions.
As someone who only owns two sets of sheets and not only hates doing laundry but also doesn’t do it very often, I don’t blame her. Sure, she specifically made a trip to the Laundromat and consciously decided against changing the sheets. But hey, at least she was considerate enough to wash the towel that guy number one had already used just in case guy number two needed it.
The weird thing I found wasn’t the not changing of the sheets, which was the focus of the article, but the fact that she was clearly banging the scientist without a condom on the regular (see references to him pulling out and coming all over the place) and then she let the musician slip it in sans rubber as well. I don’t know about you…but I’d be WAY more worried about contracting the Herp or some other form of the shit-tons of STDs that are lurking among us than I would about dirty fucking sheets. Seriously.