Brooklyn Stoops And Chicken Coops
It’s a well known fact that people are jealous of Brooklyn brownstones and their beautiful stoops. Recently though, our nabe has gone a little country by supporting the mullet philosophy and way of life: business in the front, party in the back. That's right. Don’t let those elegant city stoops fool you, for a few Park Slopers have gone full blown country bumpkin on us. Not only are Brooklynites sporting flannel, suspenders and straw hats, they’ve now got the perfect accessories to go with their hipster lifestyles: chicken coops!
Local 6th Ave Park Sloper Rebecca Lax has been raising chickens at her home for the past three years. Her family eats the eggs that their pet chickens Chai, Pepper, Bonniecakes and Sophia Lor-Hen provide. Lax reported they would never eat their pet chickens, similar to a Korean family having a dog as their pet, rather than for breakfast (relax it’s a joke)!
When I was growing up I had ducks and chickens in my backyard, but I also lived in the middle of nowhere with acres of land. I love the idea of having fresh eggs every morning and helping the environment and everything, but this just seems like a bad idea in such tight quarters. I imagine the rats thoroughly enjoy the endless supply of both chicken feed and shit provided by these environmentally conscious city folk.
Since these promiscuous little hens are imprisoned in tiny yards and aren’t allowed conjugal visits from their Rooster friends (it is also illegal to own Roosters in the city, seeing as they wake up at 5am to crow their faces off every morning), I presume the male rat population is looking better and better every minute to these clucking ladies. That’s just what Park Slope needs: some weird mutated chicken rat bastards running through the neighborhood. Nonetheless, it would make for some great FIPS material. I call dibs!
If you are interested in creating a miniscule chicken coop of your very own, be sure to hit up chicken extraordinaire Noah Leff, creator or Victory Chicken, dedicated to spreading the joys of good ole’ fashioned farming since 2011! According to its Facebook page, VC's goal is to establish 1,000 coops in NYC within the next four years.
I personally think people should just follow suit and keep a single pet chicken in their homes like Joey and Chandler (add a duck playmate and you're golden). I think this whole raising-chickens-in-effing-BROOKLYN scenario should just be an addendum to Look At This Fucking Hipster. But hey, that's just me. What do you think?
via CBS Local
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