BREAKING: Fried Cupcakes Are Good For You!!!

As just reported by the Food and Drug Administration in their latest investigative report: fried cupcakes are good for you! I couldn't find a link to the actual report itself, but trust me, it's totally true! Yay!
Luckily for us, the cupcake artistes at Robicelli's (see Allison Robicelli lookin all cute-n-shit above) have agreed to make all of your fried cupcake dreams come true, and this is all goin down tomorrow night at Union Hall: Cupcakegate 2K10: The Resolution.
After the crushing disappointment we all felt the last time around when the Chip Shop hung us all out to dry, depriving our fine neighborhood of the fried cupcake-age we all richly wanted AND deserved, FIPS is thrilled to be a part of this majestic celebration of cupcakes, frosting, and delicious, delectable saturated fat.
The most DEDICATED members of the FIPS team will all be in attendance (you know, the ones who aren't galavanting in Napa or eat! drink! snack!-ing out on their own), so look out for me, Greg, Meredith and FIPS Allison (who yes, already non-ironically asked if she could bring her kids). We *MIGHT* walk Oliver's ass down there to say hi to everyone, though I'm concerned that:
- No one really gives a shit, except for Allison's husband Matt (the one with the rad bacon tattoo) who really, really, really wants to meet him.
- It's going to be a pain in the ass since he's not actually allowed in Union Hall (THAT'S AGAINST THE LAW, PEEEEEEOPLE!!!).
- I'm going to be standing out front with my dumb dog, while you're all busy stuffing your faces with fried cupcake deliciousness.
So, yeah...we'll see.
RSVP on Facebook, or drop us a comment below so we know which of you bitches we should look out for to say hi.
First one to have a heart attack wins.
Cupcakegate 2k10: The Resolution
Friday, March 5, 2010
Union Hall (upstairs)
702 Union Street (@5th Ave)
Free to hang
regular cupcakes $3/each fried cupcakes $4/each

Reader Comments (1)
Was it FIPS Allison who was bringing her kids? Because mine definately won't be there. Work time is mommy's "private time". Sad right? You can tell by the giant bags under my eyes in that photo (taken back when I had "two under two"- those were good times).