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BK MEATUP: THIS SHIT WORKS, PART ZWEI [+ 2 for 1 Guy's Special!]

Duh, that's not the anon FIPS reader...why would she write in anonymously and then send a fucking picture??

So, all of your BALLER-ly asses already have tickets for the V-DAY MEATUP, I'm sure, but for you unbelievers, we have a story from a real, live FIPS regular about the last Meatup to help show you that on top of getting sloshed on a weeknight and reverting back to Kindergarten-level shyness, you may find that true lurve is lurking 'round the dark Bell House corner.  Like our last "This shit works" post, this little BK hottie has chosen to stay anon, but I can personally vouch that she's alive and well and not a droid/bot/mechanical creation of choice.  So grab a beer, slip on your footie PJs, and pull up your magic carpet for storytime:

At the beginning of the night, I spotted this hot guy who I immediately wrote off as way too attractive for me.  Like an hour later I found him eyeing my direction, basically sure that he was looking past me, but I watched him ditch the girl talking to him to come up and talk to me (self-esteem 101!).  We started talking. Point 1: He was hot as fuck.  Point 2: He was freaking European.  Point 3: He actually seemed to like me. (Point 4: He didn't live off the L train.)  We spent nearly an hour talking about art and travel and things that I didn't think men talked about outside of movies, shared a very public kiss, and I gave him my info.

He called me two days later and we've been together since the Holiday Meatup, and it's been totally amazing. Anyway, there's no chance that you're going to meet someone awesome (or EUROPEAN!) if you don't go. We're really lucky to have connected, even if we feel stupid telling people how we met.  Chances are everyone feels as dumb and awkward there as you do, and if you just ignore it, you might actually meet someone neat.

Okay, storytime is putting me on the borderline of hurling because that's so effing cute.  FYI, for your inquiring minds, the girl and guy in question are both in their twenties -- she's early, he's later. (And even if LOVE isn't yer thing, I also know for a fact that she no-strings-attached-scored after the first Meatup, too, but shhhh, I didn't tell you that.)  

Now, about those tickets.  Ladiez, pick yours up here, guys, yours here.  After all, an even ratio is a happy, more-chance-for-massively-sexy-time ratio.  And believe us, FIPS will do whatever we can to make sure you're fucked in Park Slope.

Speaking of, the Meatup is actually offering a 2fer1 special starting TODAY. Here are the deets:

  1. Get a single dude to buy a ticket. He can be a friend, a co-worker, or an ex you don't hate. They all qualify.
  2. Email the Meatup folks at with the name of the dude who bought a ticket, your name, and the subject line "Dude." Include five words that describe yourself in your email so we can pair you up with your true lurv. We'll put you on the guest list. 
  3. If you already bought a ticket but want the deal, email your dude friend's name, along with the five words that describe him. We'll put his name on the guest list, and he'll owe YOU the money! (Or a few drinks.)
  4. Offer's good thru Tuesday Feb. 9 at midnight. And if you bought a speed-dating ticket, you need to get a guy to buy one as well, so it's an even trade. (We're currently out of speed-dating slots for women, and just need some more men to sign up now.)
  5. Check out their new site,! After this Meatup you'll be able to send in your missed connections for them to post on the blog. And be sure to sign up for the BK Hookup newsletter on the home page to hear about other upcoming events (like the Big Gay Meatup AND smaller, more focused events for more targeted pairings). Oh, and become a fan on Facebook + follow our asses on Twitter!

OK, so I'll see you gents there!  Come say hey.  Until then, I'll be in the mirror all week practicing my bedroom eyes while standing in my neglige.  From my highly authoritative position as FIPS contributor, I suggest you put down your bottle of personal lubricant and do the same.

Reader Comments (1)

I can't read ni Safaari 7.5 just figrued I woule tell you about it

videso sitwz

April 17, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterwejfdxibhb

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