Big Gay Meatup [Spring Break Edition]

I've been called racist, Jew hating (and I'm a Jew), and even womyn hating (because of my propensity to use the word bitch), but if there's one group I *especially* love the shit out of, its the Gays! GO GAYS!
Which is why I'm so very excited to drop the news about our very first Big Gay Meatup (Spring Break Edition)!
If you're gay, or bi, or bi-curious, or lez curious, or full-on lez, then you need to get your ass to The Bell House on Thursday, April 29th for a night of Spring Break mayhem. Cause shit's gonna be poppin, and its gonna be WAY better than iPad.
Here's why:
- You can get drunk all night on $4 Sex on the Beaches (true, you probs haven't tasted this shit since college, but just go with's spring break-y!).
- We'll have a beachy un-photo photobooth for you to memorialize your poor decision to wear short shorts and floppy pink beach hat. There will be a kiddie pool, and a blow up palm tree (if someone will loan us a pump), and maybe some sunblock (though get your minds out of the gutter people...this shit is *just* to be used as a prop). We also have a rad photographer, Jo Ann Santangelo, so you're probs gonna wanna frame this shit.
- Fuck Facebook, fuck Twitter, fuck Orkut and Friendster and Beebo too. FUCK ALL THAT NOISE. We're taking shit old school with post-it note personals. If you want to, write one up and maybe someone will read it, track you down, and then love you forever (or at least for a night or two).
- Remember the dating game? Yeah, well we're doing two killer rounds of that shit (one for the lezzies and one for the gay dudes). Sarah Schaefer is hosting and, as we all know by now from our straight Meatups, her ass is FUNN-ay.
- Eat delicious Robicelli's cupcakes...and maybe some other shit too that we haven't quite figured out yet.
- DANCE. YOUR. FACE. OFF (w/DJ Workhorse dropping all of his block rockin beats).
- Get a spray tan (MAYBE. I mean, that *would* be funny as all get out right?? Are you out there Alaska Tan?? CALL ME).
As per u, ALLLL this shit is totally optional. So if you wanna pay us your good money, and then stand in the corner the whole time and not talk to anyone, you're totally free to do so (though if you're looking for some new ladies to watch the L Word with OR some dudes to watch whatever that gay dude cable TV equivalent is of the L Word that I can't remember right now, then that behavior is not advised).
Anyway, so come and get your gay on!
Buy your tix H-E-R-E.
Facebook RSVP is here.
Follow us on Twitter hurrre.
Learn alll about the BK Hookup and sign-up for our newsletter on our rad new(ish) site heeeere.
OH, and since we're so fully committed into y'all gettin your gay on, we've teamed up with our buds at GUMBO! (Gay. Dumbo) Just e-mail those dudes ( with "Big Gay Meetup" in the Subject, and score some FREE tickets to the next GUMBO part-ay on Friday, April 23 at Galapagos Art Space.
There! Don't see we never gave your asses anything now.