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BALLER SPECIAL REPORT: Take A Look Around Your Office Today...

Notice how many parents are "working from home" cause its a snow day in NYC????

Now get back to me on whether or not you think moms get special fucking privileges in the workplace.

Meanwhile, my ass is about to go out into the tundra to trek through the motherfucking snow, sardine myself onto an overcrowded train, and sit around and smile at everyone like a give a shit.  Would I rather be home in my goddamned snuggie? Watching "Regis & Kelly" while I "work?" Uh....yeah.

Bitter dot com.

Reader Comments (4)

well, i bet moms actually WORK from home unlike hungover, passed out ballers do when they claim to be "sick" and working from home. (incredibly common in my office).

in my experience, parents are more on time and more efficient with their time at work than singletons on a daily basis. and they never show up still half drunk and waste the whole day like singetons do either.

also, parents don't spend countless hours on facebook trying to hook up.

so there.

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersteph

Yes, moms get special treatment always. They're moms. However, it's about necessity, not deserve. Moms aren't any better than nonmoms; this isn't Battlestar Galactica. Being a mom takes priority in some circumstances, but moms really shouldn't be holding down jobs that don't allow them to take snow days in the first place.

@steph. God, such contempt. FIPS even admitted that it's really just jealousy, but there you go having to get all judgmental.

Being a mom is the same as balling 24/7. It's not, but neither are any more or less honorable, noble or valid than the other. You don't know that the Ballers aren't working from home when they say they are. And how can you be hungover if you're passed out Steph, hmm? That's a Chinese riddle for you.

Staying at home with your kid and "working" is not any better than being "sick" at home and "working". Who cares what the reasons are? Oh right, parents. With your arbitrary morality that you foist upon your child and subsequently everyone else once being a parent causes you to forget what reality is like.

Parents come late and leave early ALL THE TIME because of their kids. Ballers come late and leave late. Ballers don't take 3 months off at a specific, non-negotiable date. Two weeks, max, to get high in Amsterdam or feel cultured in India. But 3 months? After 3 weeks Ballers don't have a job.

Moms don't spend countless hours on facebook trying to get a date? Ever been to the suburbs? And moms spend plenty of hours on facebook updating their status about their kids' weekend play dates and posting risotto recipes. And once again, that's not any better than commenting on your friends' drunk photos and trying to get laid.

So there. Stop hating.

March 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbkbs

Steph, don't be so bitter. Anyone would think you were jealous. And besides, you're setting a bad example for your little ones.


March 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertostephthehater

I'm a mom. I work long hours at work and still work from home. I'm in before most and leave after most. My boss know that even on vacation, I am still working. I use my phone, email, and Internet to get my job done.

When I have to stay home, because my kid is sick, I am not snuggling him. I'm making sure he is occupied, juggling his needs, while monitoring incoming emails and working from home.

I know a lot of ballers who work hard and I appreciate their work ethic, but at the same time, there are parents who should be acknowledged for finding the time to juggle work vs. family. Luckily, I have a great husband who helps out and yet he juggles, working nights, going back to college full-time, and the family.

March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnj

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