Babies Today Can See Straight Through Your Bullshit

Einstein Baby
A recent study done in some lab at a testing facility somewhere on this planet proves that babies fooled into buying your bullshit once will not make that mistake a second time.
60 babies between the ages of 13-16 months were divided into two groups and paired with some grown-ups. In Group A, an adult excitedly peered into a box. When the baby did the same into their own box, they found a toy. In Group B, the babies also followed an adult's lead to gleefully peer into a box, but their boxes were empty.
In the next round of "Mean Things to Do to Babies", the adults used their foreheads to turn on a push-light (I KNOW). Babies from Group A mimicked the adults, also turning the light on with their foreheads. Most of the babies from Group B, however, saw right through the bullshit per the previous round, and didn't follow suit.
So there you have it. You can lead a baby to water, but you can't always make it look as dumb as you.
[Gawker, via Livescience]