Decide How the $1 Million Participatory Budget Gets Spent

The City Council has a thing called the Participatory Budget, an allocation of $14 million that gets spent on projects proposed and voted on by citizens. District 39, which includes Park Slope as well as Cobble Hill, Carroll Gardens, Gowanus, Windsor Terrace, Kensington and parts of Borough Park, has $1 million of that cash and no shortage of citizen-initiated projects on which to spend it.
Presenting their proposals on science fair-style poster board (in what appears to be gym, no less), the finalists are now vying for your vote to get a piece of the action. Among the finalists are street safety improvements for 4th Ave, laptops for the students of PS 130, 230 and 321, solar panels for a local firehouse, security improvements and repairs to the Ennis Playground basketball court. Watch the finalists talk about their proposals and, if you feel moved to do your civic duty, go vote for them this weekend. Polls will be open on Saturday, April 5 and Sunday, April 6 at various locations throughout the district.