School of Rock (Not The One With Jack Black) Coming to Gowanus

School of Rock isn’t just a movie from that time Jack Black was popular. For a generation of Brooklyn kids, it COULD be the place they learned to rock “from real New York City musicians that are gigging and performing.”
Or at least that’s what Mike Addesso hopes. Mr. Addesso, 29, is a drummer, former music teacher and franchise owner of the new School of Rock opening in Gowanus next month. “What is unique about us is that we are performance-based,” he told the NY Daily News. Students, age 7 to 18, “will form a group, they will rehearse once a week, and at the end of the show season they will perform at a local club.” Addesso is reaching for the stars, hoping to get the Bell House or even the Barclays Center for one of those final performances.