A Park Slope Retail Curator?

Here's an interesting idea: what if there were one person (or a board) in charge of ALL the retail space in the neighborhood. So like, before another business could sign on the dotted line and move into a space, this person (or board) would need to decide if they wanted another burger joint/pizza place/cell phone shop/etc. to come into the neighborhood...or not.
I mean, I get that this idea is totally ridic because this isn't a private community; each space is owned by different landlords; it's probably illegal; after serving on my Co-op's board I can confirm that it's totally fucking impossible to get a group of people to agree on anything, but also, it's kind of intriguing to think about someone being in charge of this. Cause in my fantasy, this would be a fabulous, chic, interesting person who was committed to ensuring that Park Slope remained the center of the universe the most important neighborhood in Brooklyn a bangin neighborhood.
Like maybe someone could come in and completely re-invent our Park Slope "brand" (like J Crew did?).
Or am I just being retarded?
FYI, this idea was totally inspired by this Seth Godin post Race to the Bottom.