Barclays Center Bullshit: Traffic & Hockey

via Brownstoner
And so it begins, FIP'sters: The Barclays Center doomsday traffic that I'm pretty sure Nostradamus predicted in 1555 has started. At what is already one of the largest traffic shit storms in Brownstone Brooklyn, cars going north on 4th Ave will no long be able to turn left onto Flatbush. Some idiot thought this was actually going to improve traffic flow, but a number of irate drivers have reported that commuting time has almost doubled due to the new traffic pattern. Traffic on Pacific Street between 4th Avenue and Flatbush also went from one-way westbound to one-way eastbound.
The venerable NY1 had a choice quote from one Flatbush Resident:
I would say the whole situation we have going on with the new sports stadium and the re-routing of the traffic and everything is a whole mess. It's terrible. I'm a native of Flatbush, Brooklyn, and I hate it. I hate the whole Atlantic Yards project, it’s just a travesty.
Here's what my old gal on Union Street, Dot had to say (message left on my voicemail):
Hey kid, its Dot here. I was just watching NY1 -- seems they changed that whole traffic pattern for the Barclays Center and my friend on 6th Ave, has a great house on that nice tree lined street up by St Augustines -- that is a beautiful church -- I go to St Francis though. Anyway, she said that horns and the honking on 6th Ave this morning were unbearable. What the hell are the trains and roads gonna' be like when a basket ball thing is happening on a Tuesday night? Alright, just thought you might want to know. Bye now.
And just in case you cared, the official word was handed down that the Barclays Center will be housing an ice-rink capable of professional hockey team. Once again scraping the bottom of the barrel, who have they found that might be interested? The New York Islanders. According to ESPN, the teams lease at the Nassau Colesium runs out in 2015 and the team wants a new stadium. This is all speculation of course. Once the Islanders realize it takes 4 hours to get in and out of downtown Brooklyn, they'll probably run screaming.
For all the rest of us who don't care about shitty basketball teams or shitty hockey teams, we are left with shitty traffic... FOREVER.